Greinar og viðtöl
Hér má lesa greinar um einstaklinga og hópa sem unnu á Dansverkstæðinu vorið og sumarið 2021; dansara, danshöfunda, sviðslistamenn og fleiri.
Greinarnar voru skrifaðar af Rex Beckett.
Expectations & Desires: Steinunn Ketilsdóttir Discusses The Practice Performed
In the world of dance, expectations have a tendency to rule everything around. Whether it be from educators, choreographers, audiences or performers themselves, it’s not always easy to let go to following your desires. This is the idea that has fuelled Steinunn Ketilsdóttir’s research since 2017, which she has now developed into the live context, as an ongoing series titled The Practice Performed.
Photo: The Practice Performed, by Sigga Ella
Open Your Heart: Taneli Törma Brings Joy Back to Dancing
This weekend Dansverstæðið opens its doors to be part of the Reykjavík Fringe Festival, where Finnish choreographer Taneli Törmä brings his performance Open Your Heart. In it, he and Norwegian dancer Hilde I. Sandvold will perform with four Icelandic youths, aged 10-20, bringing forth joy and abandon through disco dancing. We had the chance to sit down with them before their shows to hear more about them.
Photo: Taneli Törma & Hilde I. Sandvold
Skapandi Sumarstörf Series #2: Dansandi
This summer, we here at Dansverkstæðið are facilitating space for groups of young artists taking part in Hitt Húsið’s Skapandi Sumarstörf initiative. In this mini-interview series, we’ll present these groups and highlight their ongoing projects. Our second interview is with Dansandi.
Photo: Dansandi
Skapandi Sumarstörf Series #1: Strigagangur
This summer, we here at Dansverkstæðið are facilitating space for groups of young artists taking part in Hitt Húsið’s Skapandi Sumarstörf initiative. In this mini-interview series, we’ll present these groups and highlight their ongoing projects. First up is Strigagangur.
Photo: Strigagangur in Dansverkstæðið
Exorcising Juliet:
In Conversation with Halla Ólafsdóttir & Erna Ómarsdóttir
We all know Juliet as the teenage girl who kills herself over a three day infatuation. The story of Romeo & Juliet is so ubiquitous across the world, taking on so many forms and names, that even without reading it one somehow knows it. Retelling the story and examining the character is outside of the picture for Halla Ólafsdóttir and Erna Ómarsdóttir in their work-in-progress, The Juliet Duet.
Photo: The Juliet Duet by Margrét Seema Takyar
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Photo: Moving sideways, Attempt Nr. 7, by Dagur Jóhannsson