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OPIÐ KALL - Sumarvinnustofa


Hvað: Greidd gestavinnustofa

Hver: Umsækjendur þurfa að vera starfandi danslistafólk á aldrinum 20-35 ára og geta unnið á Dansverkstæðinu í júlí 2024.

Hvenær: Júlí 2024

Hvar: Dansverkstæðið


Dansverkstæðið auglýsir eftir danslistafólki í vinnustofudvöl í júlí 2024. Markmið vinnustofunnar er að veita tveimur umsækjendum tíma og rými til að vinna við þróun og rannsóknir yfir lengra tímabil. Hægt er að sækja um sem einstaklingur eða hópur.

Í lok vinnustofunnar verður húsið opnað almenningi þar sem að afrakstur verður kynntur. Starfsfólk Dansverkstæðisins býður fram faglega ráðgjöf og stuðning bæði á meðan vinnustofunni stendur og eftir að henni lýkur.


Hver einstaklingur/hópur fær:

  • 300.000 kr. sem nýta má í efniskostnað og/eða þóknun.

  • Allt að 200 tíma í æfingasal og skrifborðsaðstöðu á Dansverkstæðinu. Andvirði 400.000 kr.

  • Ráðgjöf frá starfsmönnum Dansverkstæðisins. Andvirði 100.000kr.

Umsókn og val 

Umsækjendur þurfa að vera starfandi danslistafólk á aldrinum 20-35 ára og geta unnið á Dansverkstæðinu í júlí 2024. Þriggja manna valnefnd velur tvo einstaklinga/hópa úr innsendum umsóknum. 

Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 22. apríl. Öllum umsóknum verður svarað í lok apríl 2024.


Umsóknir sendast á: og skulu innihalda: 

  • Ferilskrá eða samantekt um starfs og námsferil á einni síðu (1 bls).

  • PDF-skjal með lýsingu á verkefninu sem unnið verður að (max 500 orð) eða myndband þar verkefninu er lýst munnlega (max 7 mínútur).

  • Vinsamlegast merkið tölvupóstinn Sumarvinnustofa 2024.


Verkefnið er leitt af Dansverkstæðinu og styrkt af Reykjavíkurborg


COMMUNITY PROJECT 2024 based in Dance Improvisation

REFLECT: Rediscovering the self through the other


Join Improv for Dance Enthusiasts for a journey through different aspects of dance improvisation to arrive … somewhere - where we will share our group energy in a public sharing at the end of September 2024. Project starts on the 22nd of April, and runs until the end of December 2024.


Where: At Dansverkstæðið Hjarðarhagi 47 in studio 1. The building is accessible via elevator.

Deadline to apply: 24th of March 2024

For whom: The Project is open to all adult dance enthusiasts (18+) interested in joining the whole journey, no matter their previous experience, abilities or skills.



8th of April: Try out class

22nd of April - 30th of June: Regular Monday classes between 19:30 - 21:30

July and August: Holidays

September: Regular Monday classes between 19:30 - 21:30 + Weekend intensive (full days) on the 8th and 9th + Performance weekend (to be decided on details) 27th - 29th

October: Regular Monday classes between 19:30 - 21:30 

November - December: Open Studio 


What you get: A chance to express yourself through dance improvisation. Learning several improvisation techniques facilitated by the Improv for Dance Enthusiasts Collective. Being part of a playful dance experience while practising safer space rules and performing in public spaces. 

What you give: Commit to attending the creative process (at least 80%) and actively taking part in the preparation for the public sharing in September 2024, signing an agreement accordingly. 

Conditions: Free participation in the project, unless you drop-out without a clear communication, then we ask you to pay a fee of 15.000 isk.

You can find more information in the description of the sign up sheet below 

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Erasmus+ programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. ”


IS Fjármagnað af Evrópusambandinu_BLACK Outline.jpg

OPEN CALL - Keðja Stretch: Dance as Resistance


What: The Dance as Resistance Lab
Who: Dance artists based in Iceland with an established practice and an interest in exploring this in collaboration with peers in an international context. 1 person will be selected.
When: 30 September – 4 October,

Where: Bodø, Norway

The partners of keðja Stretch are inviting professional dance artists to join us for this lab in Bodø at the beginning of October 2024. The Dance as Resistance lab is a response to the current precarious and uncertain times. It will be a space for performing artists to gather, reflect and explore their creative practices for political and social change. Hosted by Davvi – Centre for Performing Arts, the lab is taking place in the Norwegian city of Bodø during the Cultural Capital City of 2024. The lab will bring together artists from across each of Keðja network partner organisations. Who is the lab for? The Dance as Resistance lab is for artists who are engaged with how their political concerns can be reflected in their art-making. During the lab, the artists will develop strategies for how art can be an agent for change. The lab is targeted at dance artists with an established artistic practice and an interest in exploring this in collaboration with peers in an international context.

Deadline for application: March 15th 2024

How to apply: Fill in the application form below
For questions contact:

OPEN CALL: GROWING TOOLBOX - Dance Dramaturgy Workshops

Supported by ERASMUS+

What: Workshop in Dance Dramaturgy
Who: Members of Dansverkstaedid
When: Various dates, see details in the sign up sheet
Deadline for application: 01.03.2024 - 23:59 PM

Dansverkstaedid invites all its members to apply for workshops on Dance Dramaturgy across Europe. This open call covers the choice between two workshops that will take place in the spring of 2024. One workshop led by Rodia Vomvolou in Cyprus hosted at Dance House Lemesos and another led by Maja Hriešik in Slovakia hosted at Residency Centre Telocvičňa.

This opportunity covers per diem, accommodation and travel and workshop fees.
Another open call will be announced later this year for more opportunities. 

You can find more information on these workshops in the description of the sign up sheet.

for questions contact

How to Apply: Open Call closed

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